Saturday, February 13, 2010

Come Mr. tally man tally me banana, Daylight come and me wan go home...

I had no idea for a title on this, being why I just added a line from the song I'm listening to at the moment...somehow it fits I think? I mean who doesn't like that song and the infamous scene in beetlejuice it was in? If you hate it then tell me, I must know why....why would you hate such a loverly thing.

I havent blogged in a few days. Im still getting used to it [more then anything trying to remember to] So be patient with me. And be ready for another blog where I barf my brains out on a platter for you to read. Its random good times. Especially at 5am when I really want to be sleeping. Hopefully its not to out there. [I don't really care though...]

Today I...took a nap. And worked on a left 4 dead role play about my Oc's Tick and Coco. I just love this thing so far. I got to mix in my crazy fandom of zombies, and my friend brought in a few things like in the movie 9 [which i really want to see], Oh and of course the whole 'not real names' and such from Zombieland. I guess we mixed in of things we love. I wanted to add some crazy thing like Dr. Who showing up and finding that Tick had some kind of alien ring worm that was going to kill him with its insane power of thinking and overpowering his piece of crap brain that he runs on....but No. I guess Ill ask again. But I'm not getting my hopes up.

But lately I am watching a few reality shows that are on Thursdays and of course other nights of the week. Aka: Ace of cakes, Survivor, And Project runway. [theres probably A lot more...but I forget. And I'm just listing ones that play new episodes] If I remember i watch Ru Paul...I think thats on Wednesday. I feel like such a girly girl watching fashion shows. But If you saw me in real life you would wonder if I was lying to you about my love for them.

Hmm what else...I need to get to watching my netflix. And read 6 more library books by the 20th [not going to happen. I'm slow] But I try.

Other then that I just decided now was a good time to post something, because I woke up from another nap and couldn't sleep. So woo rant time.

I don't think there is really much else but listening to a few songs over and over again until I get tired of them [which seems to never happen] Oh and I have been watching quite a bit of boosh sense I grabbed up the box set for my birth day. If you are a fan, and haven't read the book get to it. It makes me happy. Very super duper happy. [And yes the picture in my journal at the moment at the top of this journal...right above the text. It the boosh. Good times.]

I also found this list, of a page in this book called 'tiny acts of rebellion' from the always awesome Rich Fulcher [from the boosh, Eleanore's up and coming, golf wars...etc] If it will let me I'm posting it, If not I guess I can quote it sometime.

Oh valentines day is Sunday, I don't know if I'm doing anything or not. If I can get a hold of my fish her and I are going out to some kind of nasty fast food to celebrate many years of being married as husband and father. And then I bet well plan a million things, get to one of them, then sing Japanese songs at the top of our lungs as we have a yu-gi-oh duel, and draw our unknown land fimera. It should be fun. If not We will celebrate it sometime soon. But seeing her would be good fun. I think v-day is a hallmark holiday. I guess I get that saying from my loverly parents. Who call it that, but then we still buy hallmark cards...weird shit.

I need to clean my rats cage again, they smell like rotting shoes. Which isn't good for rats I think. I really want to make them meatatarians like me [bread+meat+more meat = meatatarians....mostly] I just think it would be fun changing rats from vegans to meat eaters. Like I did with my old friend spork the squirrel who I gave chicken nuggets. He seemed to go a bit insane after that, I hope he ate his wife. I didn't like her... Svetlana...that is what I named her. She wasn't right for such a high class rabies infected rodent like spork.

Also politics either confuse me or make me cranky, or just get me on super duper rants. My friend on msn tried to talk about how she doesn't like a few words and wishes people used the political term...I don't get it. I guess america is so afraid of words that we make up new ones that scare us even more. If I was the owner of Websters dictionary or something...Id stop adding ttyl and start adding things that make sense like I don't know words that are real. But we aren't good at making new ones unless they are based off something offensive. Oh wow that idea about politics just did a 360 turn. Sorry about that.

For now I think that shall be all. Maybe I can write some actual blogs like the ones my dad tells be Friday...160 or whatever. I don't know.

Also I think ill do another blog today, to make up for my lack of blogs the past week. It will be about my outing to Macy's and such stores with my fish. It was a loverly day that one.

Also just for you dad, I didn't add any Japanese songs. Because I bet you would go 'blah' So have some of my other favorite bands WOO >:B OK, have a good morning work and school people. I shall bug you later. And maybe be awake by a reasonable hour. But this is me your talking to.


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