Monday, July 20, 2009

Mommys first day of school

Well today was moms first day back to work in many many long amounts of time. yes she did have at home work but still. Im so excited she is back in a real office, with real office geeks. Its exciting. It was kind of funny when she left, all giddy yet a bit anxious. Reminded me of the first day of school. It was cool :D

But yeah today I woke up at 7am ish. Its weird...Im not very fond of this waking up on a 'normal' schedule yet. Im so used to my old sleep all day awake all night. I do like being able to hang with my family and friends thou...well online friends.

Not much else Is going on...I really need to make brakefast. i think Ill have cinnamon toast crunch in some ice cream <3

Hmm...what else...Im re doing some old comic characters I did a few years ago if I have time [...I mean if im not lazy] And I am thinking that the bretherin and I are going to have a left4dead zombie massacre today. Hopefully.

And Im doing a fun fun role play of alice in wonderland. Im the march hare, tweedledee and tweedledum, and alice[we got to make up a new alice :3]
Its so fun. Im glad Im doing RP again. To me its like writing a huge story in a big group of people, with our point of view from the character. And usually I make up new stories, but fandoms are fun. I might make a labryinth one soon ;o

So ummmmh yeah :D Not much I might blog later after something amazing happens :)
[and oh noes, no lazy and hungry...maybe later]



  1. Thank you for the shout-out, honey. It has been like the first day of school. Only, unlike every other job I've ever had, I came in to a screaming hot new laptop with Adobe Creative Suite 4 AND a new IM address so I can harass - I mean love - you all day. I have email, a password and everything was ready to go. Woo hoo!

    Enjoy the CTC & Oice Cream, girlie!

  2. Have you read Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass? Great books...

  3. I felt sure I commented on this but I don't see it. Perhaps it got eaten by the fish?
